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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over a week ago

What is "Teamwork" in FoxData?

As widely acknowledged, App Store Optimization requires collaboration. Each team member contributes efforts towards a shared objective.

To support this, we have developed the 'Teamwork' feature, allowing different team members to share information.

How to add team member?

● Go to [Personal center] and choose [Team work]

● Click on [Invite member]

● Paste your colleague's email address here.

Your colleague will receive an invitation email, and they can join the team by clicking on the invitation link in the email. Invitation email is valid for 15 days.

After sending an invitation, if the invitee hasn't activated their account, they won't appear in the list but will still reserve a seat. We support the option to resend invitation emails. Upon resending the email, the original invitation link becomes inactive.

Team members can share information, including 'Tracked Apps,' 'Added Keywords,' 'Added Competitors,' 'My Connections,' and 'Notifications.

Seats limit

At last, please note Free account can't invite team member, Standard account can invite two team members and Growth account can invite nine team members.

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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