FoxData offers this feature to users who subscribed Standard Plan: Estimated Downloads
Download Estimates are the estimates of the actual app downloads in the store. The results based on the FoxData Data Model. You can view the download trends of apps in the market.
Country Downloads
This feature shows the app's downloads in the selected country.
1. You can view the estimated daily downloads of your app for a certain period of time in its history by filtering the period.
2. Choose competitors to compare the downloads trend.
Global Downloads
This feature shows the app's global estimated downloads.
You can view the estimated downloads for yesterday, the last 7 days, and the last 30 days, along with the downloads change compared to the previous time period.
Downloads Trend
1. Choose the time period you want to see.
2. when you open the "Display Weekends", you can see the weekends highlight in light blue.
Comparison by Country/Region
Here, you can see the Downloads Trend at different countries/regions.
Slide down this page, you can see "Estimated Downloads", "Avg Daily Downloads" and "Ratio" of the selected app in different countries.
And there is a switch which you can use to hide no data countries/region.
Click the chart icon at the end of each line, you can see a chart showing the Downloads Trend at different countries.
For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback