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How to cancel a subscription?
OfficialTeam avatar
Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over 5 months ago

You can cancel the plan at any time during the official subscription period, all premiums of the plan will remain until the current plan ends, and no more charges will be deducted from your account after that.

Click on “Personal Center” - “Manage Subscription”.

You will find the 'Unsubscribe" button on this page. Simply click it to cancel the current plan.

Please notice:

When the end of the billing period is over and your subscription is canceled, you will no longer have the benefits of membership.

Your account will be downgraded to the Free Plan permissions.

However, we will retain your current data, including apps, keywords, and any notifications you've set.

However, If you want to add a new app or track a new keyword, you will need to remove your previous data to meet the Free Plan permissions.

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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