Tracked Keywords
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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over a week ago

FoxData offers free access to this feature: Tracked Keywords

The Tracked Keywords page provides you basic information of all the keywords you have tracked by the app you added currently.

You can filter the search volume, chance score, difficulty score, correlation and other keyword index to view the keywords performance.

Chance index shows the probability of any app entering the top 10 search results for specific keywords, with 100 being the easiest keyword to rank in the top 10 search results.

Diff index shows the difficulty, for any application to achieve a high ranking in the search results for specific keywords, with 100 being the most challenging keyword to rank highly in the country/region.

There are ”Brand“ and ”ASA“ tag next to the keywords. "Brand" means that the keyword is defined as a brand term and "ASA "means that the keyword is defined as a bidding term.

And, we have keyword filter, drop down to select the type of keyword you want to see, including All, Brand Keyword, Bidding Keyword, Metadata Keyword.

You can take action quickly to monitor the tracked keywords and click the icon of earth to get the global overview of the current keyword.

If you want to search for many keywords at one time, put commas between keywords.

How to add keywords?

The Add Keywords feature allows you add keywords one by one or add them as a bulk by putting commas between keywords.

Upload feature supports add a list of keywords by a file.

If you have no more keywords to add, just click "Keyword Explore", FoxData will give you suggested keywords for your app. And if you do, the page will turn to the page of Keyword Explore.

As you can see all the tracked keywords here you can download these keywords for a file to get further analysis by clicking the icon of download.

The data you can view of the keywords.

  • Rank

The rank of your app on the selected keyword or category.

  • Search Volume

Search Volume is a metric that tracks and signals the search traffic of keywords, higher score means more traffic for that keyword.

This metric base on our own algorithms because Apple App Store and Google Play Store do not disclose the number of searches on keywords.

  • Chance

Chance Score shows the probability of any app to rank in the top 10 results for a specific keyword.

It ranges from 0 to 100, and higher scores indicate greater probability.

  • Difficulty(Diff.)

Difficulty Score is a metric that measures the difficulty of any app to rank in the top rankings results for a specific keyword.

It ranges from 0 to 100, and higher scores indicate greater difficulty.

  • Correlation

Correlation represents whether the keyword is relevant to your app, ranked from 1 [worst] to 100 [best].

It depends on factors like popularity, ranked keywords, and more. Higher score keywords are likely to bring more organic traffic. In some cases data could not be displayed, please try again later.

  • Search Results

The total number of apps that are ranking for each keyword.

  • Inst.%

Number of downloads brought by the keyword for this app / Total downloads brought by the keyword in the App Marketplace

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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