How to change payment methods?
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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over a week ago

How many payment accounts can I bind?

  • Credit card: no limits;

  • Paypal: one

How to change payment methods?

During the free trial

If you used a credit card for payment when starting the trial, you can add another credit card and make it a default card. If you used PayPal for payment when starting the trial, users can independently change the payment card in PayPal.

However, it is not possible to change the payment method during the trial period (e.g., switching from credit card payment to PayPal payment).

If you change the plan during the trial period, users who paid with a credit card can switch to another credit card. However, it is not possible to change the payment method.

During the official subscription

If the subscription was made using a credit card payment, you can change the credit card if you want. If the subscription was made using PayPal, users can change the payment card in PayPal. However, changing the payment method during the subscription period is impossible.

If you change the plan during the official subscription period, users who paid with a credit card can change the payment card, but it is not possible to change the payment method.

Users who are not currently in a trial or subscription status can use a custom credit card or PayPal to subscribe when initially subscribing or re-subscribing to a plan.

If you have any other questions or special circumstances, please feel free to contact the customer service.

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