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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over a week ago

Use our “competitor” to analyze your apps and your competitors‘ performance.

Add Competitors

Competitors can be added thorough "Add Competitors" button or "Add" button in 【Recommended Competitors】 chart.

You can analyze multiple apps together by clicking "Bulk Comparison" or analyze them individually by clicking "Compare" in the chart.

We support comparative analysis of the following information: App Info, Estimated Downloads, Estimated Revenue, Ranking, Rating & Review, Keyword.

App Info

In the "App Info" section, you can compare your app's information with that of your competitors.

Estimated Downloads

In the "Est. Download" section, analyze your app's estimated downloads with competitors.

Select event nodes above the chart , you can see impact of different App events on estimated downloads.

Estimated Revenue

In the "Est. Revenue" section, Analyze your app's estimated revenue with competitors.

Select event nodes above the chart , you are able to see impact of different App events on estimated revenue.


In the "ranking" section, monitor your app's and competitor's current ranking and historical ranking.

Rating & Review

In the "Rating & Review" section, compare the user reviews of your app with those of your competitors.


In the "keyword" section, get inspiration from the high-ranking keywords used by your competitors.

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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