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ASO Impact Analysis
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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over 4 months ago

ASO Impact Analysis is aimed to help you analyse the impact of App events. This tool can compare different events and cross-analysing them to find the most efficient optimisation events.

Event Timeline

In the Event Timeline, you can see each update of your app directly. These events are shown in chronological order from near to far.

Select the time interval and choose a device type to decide the event you wish to check.

You can add events as needed. Simply click the 【Add Event】 button, input a description (limited to 255 characters), and choose a time. Once the information is submitted, the event will appear in the event list.

The added event can be deleted if you want.

Events are displayed in different colours by category, click on individual tabs to view details.

Impact analysis

This feature allows you to easily analyze different Metadata in one single graph. And you can better visualize and measure the impact of your ASO work on metrics such as downloads or category rank.

Select the time interval and choose a device type to decide the event you wish to check.

Also, You can add events as needed. Simply click the 【Add Event】 button, input a description (limited to 255 characters), and choose a time. Once the information is submitted, the event will appear in the event list.

In the 【Events Note】, you will be able to select any metadata element that you want to analyze.

By using Impact analysis, you can test different events to find one that aligns with the date of the increase or decrease. Of course, While it may not always provide a definitive answer, you can quickly exclude some causes at least.

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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