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Keywords Ranked
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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over 4 months ago

FoxData offers free access to this feature: Ranked Keywords

Keyword Analysis


This tab provides a concise overview of your app’s keyword performance, highlighting key metrics at a glance. It includes the Ranked Keywords, showing how many keywords your app is currently ranked for, and Failed Keywords, representing those that have dropped in ranking since the comparison date. You can also see New Keywords, which lists newly ranked keywords, and keywords that have Dropped out of the Top 50, showing those that have fallen out of the top 50 rankings compared to the previous date.

Historical Trend

This feature allows you to visualize how the ranking of specific keywords has changed over time through line graphs, bar charts. This helps in spotting upward or downward movements in your app’s keyword rankings.


This table provides detailed data on how many of your app’s keywords are ranked in the Top 3, Top 10, Top 20, and Top 50 positions on the cuurent day and the Comparison day.

Keyword Breakdown

You can filter the search volume, correlation and other keyword index(click on "Add filter" to see more index) to view the keywords performance.

You can translate the keywords to different languages if needed.

Click the "Track" icon to track the keywords on the table

Click the "Live Search" to see real-time search results for keywords on the App Store or Google Play"

Change column shows the keyword ranking change between selected dates, declines were identified in red and rises in green, keywords that fall out of the rankings are marked as 【out】, and new keywords that appear in the list are marked as 【new】.

To download these keywords for a file to get further analysis, just click on the icon of "Export."

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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