Keywords Ranked
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Written by OfficialTeam
Updated over a week ago

FoxData offers free access to this feature: Ranked Keywords

In the Keywords Ranked page, you can view all the keywords performance and historical trend of these keywords.

Keyword Summary & Keyword statistics

First, you can see the Keyword Summary and Keyword statistics including the total number of the ranked keywords and the number of top lists. This section is broken down by rank range: Top 1, Top 2-3, Top 4-10, etc, to Top 100.

You can view the keywords ranking distribution and search volume distribution to see how many ranked keywords is in the top searching list.

As for the historical trend, you can view the ranking history and search volume history varies from the time period you selected by filtering the time.

Keyword Breakdown

FoxData provides all the ranked keywords, and you can translate the keywords to different languages.

Chance index shows the probability of any app entering the top 10 search results for specific keywords, with 100 being the easiest keyword to rank in the top 10 search results.

Diff index shows the difficulty, for any application to achieve a high ranking in the search results for specific keywords, with 100 being the most challenging keyword to rank highly in the country/region.

Installs show the estimated number of organic installs (current date) received

from a keyword and Inst.% = Number of downloads brought by the keyword for this app / Total downloads brought by the keyword in the App Marketplace.

There are ”Brand“ and ”ASA“ tag next to the keywords. "Brand" means that the keyword is defined as a brand term and "ASA "means that the keyword is defined as a bidding term.

And, we have keyword filter, drop down to select the type of keyword you want to see, including: All, Brand Keyword, Bidding Keyword, Metadata Keyword.

You can translate the keywords to different languages if needed.

To track the keywords on the table, you can click the Track icon.

Change column shows the keyword ranking change between selected dates, declines were identified in red and rises in green, keywords that fall out of the rankings are marked as 【out】, and new keywords that appear in the list are marked as 【new】.

You can add keywords which you want to see individually or in batches to this list. The added keywords will be tracked by default, and they will be displayed at the top.

The metric "Installs" represents the estimated number of organic installations generated by a specific keyword for an app within a defined timeframe. With this metric, you can easily track the download performance associated with each keyword. For a detailed installation history of a particular keyword, simply click the chart icon for comprehensive insights.

If you would like to learn more about "Installs", please check the blog below. Which Keywords Drives Your App Downloads?

If you want to take a closer look at one keyword, you can simply click on the keywords text, this will lead you to Search page, and click on the App icon, you can see the App's basic information at App profile page.

You’ll be able to see Tracked Keyword page with a click on the text Tracked Keyword which displayed at the bottom left corner of the table.

To download these keywords for a file to get further analysis, just click on the icon of Export.

For you have any other questions, please check out the link: Product Feedback

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